Information for Students
Studying at the Department of English
Being the lingua franca of business and science, English has become the most important global language of today. Apart from their world-wide spread, the English language and its cultures have also shaped various domains in our local everyday lives including media, advertising, tourism, and many others. These developments are of great significance for Switzerland – a multilingual country that is deeply involved in global economic activities. English languages and cultures thus create novel social and political challenges (early English at school, language policy making, intercultural communication, Business English etc.) that must be approached, understood and tackled by experts in the field of English language, literature and culture. Studies at the Department of English are designed to train and develop this very expertise.
- At the BA level students become familiar with the complex field of English language(s), literatures and cultures and are introduced to linguistic and literary theories and methods that enable them to understand English and its literary and cultural manifestations from social, cultural, historical, and cognitive perspectives. Strong emphasis is also placed on developing excellent academic language skills (writing and presentation) in English.
Information for prospectve students:Brochure (pdf), BA-English-Studienberatung (pdf), Qualifikationsprofil BA English (pdf) - At the MA level this knowledge is extended and deepened by training students in academic research practice in more specialized fields of English linguistics and literature.
Information for prospectve students: Brochure (pdf), MA-English-Studienberatung (pdf), Qualifikationsprofil MA English (pdf) - Doctoral students can apply and extend their research competence by conducting a PhD research project and by writing a corresponding doctoral dissertation within the framework of our Doctoral Programmes in linguistics of literature.
Information for prospectve students:PhD programme in English Literary and cultural studies, PhD progamme in English linguistics at the Hermann Paul School of Linguistics (HPSL)
The Department of English also provides the academic basis required by future teachers. We offer courses and modules for secondary-school teachers (BA/MA, Studiengang Sekundarstufe I) and the MA in English provides the academic ground for becoming a Gymnasium teacher (Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen).
For more information on studying in general, please see the study FAQs from the "Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften."
Student Advisor

Simone Sumpf
Deutsches Seminar
Nadelberg 4, room 202
4051 Basel
Tel: +41 (0)61 207 34 27
Course Offerings in English Language, Literatures & Cultures
- Spring Term 2025 (PDF, 99.28 KB)
- Autumn Term 2024 (PDF, 99.48 KB)
- Spring Term 2024 (PDF, 99.73 KB)
- Autumn Term 2023 (PDF, 103.08 KB)
- Spring Term 2023 (PDF, 99.41 KB)
- Autumn Term 2022 (PDF, 124.51 KB)
- Spring Term 2022 (PDF, 100.63 KB)
- Autumn Term 2021 (PDF, 101.25 KB)
- Spring Term 2021 (PDF, 103.69 KB)