Your guide to writing papers and exams
Study Plans, Manuals, and Exams
The following documents should facilitate your studies and increase the quality of your academic papers.
BA English
Wegleitung BA Englisch (PDF)
Studienplan BA Englisch (PDF)
Sample Study Plan (BA) (PDF)
Qualification Profile (PDF)
MA English
Wegleitung MA Englisch (PDF)
Studienplan MA Englisch (PDF)
Sample Study Plan (MA) (PDF)
Qualification Profile (PDF)
On Good Academic Practice / Plagiarism (PDF) and the University self-check option to detect plagiarism of your written work
The University's Guidelines on how to use tools based on artificial intelligence (PDF)
Manual for Papers in English Linguistics (PDF)
Manual for Writers of Papers in Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies (PDF)
Template for the Prospectus for Writers of Papers in Anglophone Literary and Cultural Studies (DOCX)
Guide to the Library Stock (short version) (PDF)
Adam workspace for linguistic research skills (self study tool on "Finding and managing references"; "Writing papers in English linguistics"; "Introduction to quantitative research methods"; "Summarizing and visualizing data")
Exam Procedures Linguistics
MA: see section 5 of the Wegleitung MA Englisch.
Examiners in English Linguistics (PDF)
Exam Procedures Literary and Cultural Studies
MA: see section 5 of the Wegleitung MA Englisch.