Academic events, past and present
Conferences and Colloquia
Ongoing and Future Conferences and Colloquia
3rd Gibraltarian Literature Conference: Ways of Being in Language, 4-6 September 2025
Past Conferences and Colloquia
SAMEMES Conference: Medieval and Early Modern Swiss-British Relations, 4-6 September 2024
Decolonial Imaginaries in Literary and Urban Studies. Interdisciplinary symposium, 9-10 November 2023
Lecture Series "New Developments in Theory", 2014-2022
EUCOR English Trinational MA & PhD Conference, 8-9 April 2022
SWELL meeting, 25 February 2022
Rethinking the North American Long Poem: Matter, Form, Experiment, 16-19 September 2021
Pragmatics of Translation - 13th meeting of the international Symposium on (Im)Politeness and the 7th meeting of the biannual iMean (interaction and meaning) conference, 24-26 June 2021
Influence, Manipulation & Seduction. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Persuasive Language, 20-21 November 2020
The Prolonged Death of the Hippie, 1967–1969, 12–14 September 2019
SAUTE Conference 2019: Brexit and Beyond: Nation and Identity, 3-4 May 2019
Posthuman Economies: Literary and Cultural Imaginations of the Postindustrial Human, 13-14 April 2019
Symposium Anderwelten/Otherworlds: Übergänge zwischen Welten, 3-4 November 2017
In and Out of Europe – British Literary and Cultural Discourses of Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries, 15–17 September 2016
The Beautiful Game: The Poetics and Aesthetics of Soccer in Transnational Perspective, 30 June – 2 July 2016
Constructionist Approaches to Language Pedagogy (CALP 2), 10–11 June 2016
Language and Health Online: Typing yourself healthy, 15–16 April 2016
"Cities in Flux": International conference funded by the Swiss South African Joint Research Programme (SSAJRP), 9-10 June 2015
Guest lecture "Geopolitics, Geopower, Geometrics" by Prof. Stuart Elden (Warwick) on 24 November 2014, 6–8pm, followed by a workshop "Space, Territory, Literature" for PhD candidates on 25 November 2014.
Literature, Ethics, Morality: American Studies Perspectives: Biannual conference of the Swiss Association for North-American Studies (SANAS), 21–22 November 2014.
International Day Conference: "City in Flux - South(ern) African Urbanities in Fiction: Focus Durban", 16 May 2013.
Symposium: "Narrative Matters in Literature, Linguistics, Psychology and Medicine", 15 April, 2013. For more information on the Symposium: "Narrative Matters in Literature, Linguistics, Psychology and Medicine" [PDF/442 KB]
Conference: "Topographies of Britain", 22–24 November 2012. See the conference website.
Conference: "Aesthetics in the 21st Century", 13–15 September 2012, University of Basel. See the conference website.
Summer school: "Research on computer-mediated communication in linguistics" (RCMCL), 17–23 June, 2012, Ascona, Switzerland. See summer school website.
Day conference: City in Flux – Urbanization and Societal Change in South African Literary and Cultural Texts, 18 November, 2011, University of Basel. See also the conference programme [PDF (12 KB)].
International Summer School: "Spaces of Projection", organised by students under the auspices of the Association of the New Literatures in English (ASNEL). This event was hosted at the Universities of Bern and Basel from 5–9 September 2011. Official website.
International Conference: Language as a Social and Cultural Practice: Advances in Linguistics. 8–10 June 2011, University of Basel, Switzerland
5th International Symposium on Politeness 30 June 2010 – 02 July 2010
Conference 12–13 March 2010: Reprise, Recycling, Recuperating: the Déjà-vu and the Authentic in Anglophone Literature and Culture.