Ina Habermann talks to the 'Deep Dive Podcast'

Prof. Ina Habermann talks to the 'Deep Dive Podcast' about her passion for English literature, J.R.R. Tolkien and Brexit.

Philipp Schweighauser comments on the 2020 U.S. presidential election

Prof. Philipp Schweighauser has been invited to comment on the imminent presidential election in the U.S.A. by Swiss newspaper Sonntags-Blick and local television broadcaster Telebasel.

New national search portal for academic libraries

We are facing a new library system from December 7. Please find more information about the new user registration and returning borrowed items here:

/ Research

Regula Hohl Trillini interviewed by filmmaker Andrew Smith

BAFTA-winning filmmaker Andrew Smith has interviewed our very own Regula Hohl Trillini for his new weekly Hamlet podcast To Be Or Not To Be: Lockdown Shakespeare.

7 & 11 October: Radio Features on Pynchon and Music

Two upcoming radio programs will celebrate music in Pynchon's work, taking their cues from Christian Hänggi's book Pynchon's Sound of Music and NYC band Visit's album "Now everybody—" Visit Interprets Songs by Thomas Pynchon. Swiss radio…

/ Research

Prof. em. Werner Brönnimann's "King Lear – König Lear" published

Werner Brönnimann's annotated and commented German translation of William Shakespeare's play King Lear is part of the long-running series Englisch-deutsche Studienausgabe der Dramen Shakespeares – currently published by Stauffenburg Verlag…

Prof. Miriam Locher's research team reports first results

The project team on relational work and communal TV watching of K-drama on a streaming platform reports first results: Locher, Miriam A. (2020). Moments of relational work in English fan translations of Korean TV drama. Journal of…

/ Studies

Library service from June 8

Dear Students, due to the space limitation of our Seminar library, we keep the building closed until further notice. We offer individual time slots in order to consult books. To arrange a visit please get in touch with Mario Piscazzi:…