We host a range of exciting research projects
Research Projects
Research Projects in Linguistics
- SNF: Cognitive aspects of metaphorisation (Olena Dubenko)
- eucor: Dis-Agree
- SNF PRIMA: The Pragmatics of Improvised Drama Comedy (Landert --> Heidelberg)
- SNF Language and Health Online
- SNF Life (Beyond) Writing: Illness Narratives
- Pro*Doc "Sprache als soziale und kulturelle Praxis"
- UniBas Relational work in Facebook
- UniBas Gendered leadership discourses of political leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic
- UniBas, UZH, ETH, ZHAW, Gebert Rüf Stiftung Semantik des Geschmacks – Sensory Language and the Semantics of Taste
Research Projects in Literary and Cultural Studies
- SNF: WordWeb / IDEM: A new way of representing Intertextuality in Drama of the Early Modern Period (link to database: https://wordweb-idem.ch)
- SNF: Beckett's Media System: A Comparative Study in Multimediality
- SNF: Of Cultural, Poetic, and Medial Alterity: The Scholarship, Poetry, Photographs, and Films of Edward Sapir, Ruth Fulton Benedict, and Margaret Mead
- SNF: British Literary and Cultural Discourses of Europe
- UniBas: Kulturelle Topographien
- SNF: HyperHamlet
- SNF: Life (Beyond) Writing: Illness Narratives