Practical Information
Switzerland has specific power sockets (type J or SEV1011) so please remember to bring a travel adapter for recharging your electronic equipment.
There is no need to buy bottled water, the tap water in Basel and its surroundings is drinkable. The public fountains in the city also provide drinking water.
City Ticket
In most hotels you will be given a mobility ticket which enables you to travel around the city for free. The public transport map is available at the registration desk. You can also find it here.
- In case of medical emergency, dial 144 (ambulance)
- In case of suspected poisoning, dial 145
- Police: dial 117
- Fire brigade: dial 118
- If you need to visit a doctor or require immediate information, call the Medical Emergency Center at +41 61 261 15 15.
Coffee breaks
The coffee breaks will take place in the courtyard of the Department of English.

University of Basel
Department of English
Nadelberg 6
CH-4051 Basel
Tel: +41 (0)61 207 27 90