Need help?
The teaching staff are here to help you. If you have problems, please feel free to consult any of them.
Apart from this, individual advice is offered by the student advisor, particularly to beginners who have problems with the organisation of their course programme (choice of subjects, timetable, choice of final degree, etc.) and to students preparing for examinations and needing help with the formalities involved. Students are also invited to consult the advisor on the question of studying at another Swiss university for a semester or longer.
In the case of financial difficulties, health issues, child care, and other problems that may impede your studies, you may also contact the university's Sozialberatung or consult the Advice section on the university's website.
Student Advisor

Simone Sumpf
Deutsches Seminar
Nadelberg 4, room 202
4051 Basel
Tel: +41 (0)61 207 34 27
Grant applicants
The James Fenimore-Cooper grant is addressed to those affiliated with the Department of English of the University of Basel, above all advanced students and PhD students, as well as lecturers and other members of staff.
Aim of funding
The grant aims at:
- facilitating study visits to English-speaking regions
- allowing contributions to printing costs for (1) doctoral theses and professorial dissertations in the field of anglophone literature and cultural studies as well as English linguistics which have been accepted by the University of Basel and awarded for their excellence; and (2) scientific publications in the field of anglophone literature and cultural studies, English linguistics, as well as aspects thereof.
- supporting conferences and summer schools in the field of anglophone literature and cultural studies as well as English linguistics, both organized by and beneficial to PhD students and members of staff of the Department of English.
Please read the info sheet (PDF) on how to apply.
There are three application deadlines per year: 15 February, 15 May, 15 October.