Broaden your horizon
Studying Abroad
Living abroad for a longer period of time can be a valuable experience in many respects. Not only is it an excellent way to improve your language skills, but, by being confronted with other points of view, other ways of life and other educational/political systems, you will also gain insights into a different culture as well as into your own.
There are different ways of spending your time abroad; the main ones are studying at a university or teaching at a school. If you choose the first of these options, this will offer you the possibility of deepening the understanding of certain areas of your subject and probably also of looking into new subject areas. If you choose the second, you will gain experience of teaching and thus be able to try out one of the professional options that are open for you later. In any case, you will probably return with even more enthusiasm for the country you have been to, for its people, its culture, its language, and with the even greater desire to pass on this knowledge and these experiences to other people.
An overview of student exchange partner universities can be found on the Department's website with further information provided on the university's Mobility Office webpage.
Student Advisor

Simone Sumpf
Deutsches Seminar
Nadelberg 4, room 202
4051 Basel
Tel: +41 (0)61 207 34 27
Erasmus was introduced by the EU to promote cooperation between European universities. The aim of this scheme is to facilitate the exchange of students and staff. The Basel English Department cooperates with various universities in the EU. The period of study at the host university will be accorded full recognition by the home university. For more information consult the university's mobility office for international exchange programmes.
Please note that there are further possibilities to go abroad, e.g. to the USA, Canada, Australia and other countries which can be organised via the university's main mobility office.
Universities Abroad
Universität Wien, City University of Hong Kong, Université d'Orléans, Université de Paris VII - Denis Diderot, Université de Rennes 2, Freie Universität Berlin, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli, Università degli studi di Torino, Uniwersytet Warszawsk / University of Warsaw, University of Manchester, Cardiff University, University of Stirling.
For information about the USA, please contact Simone Sumpf.
Students selected to participate in the scheme by the various institutions can only be awarded a student mobility grant if they fulfil the general conditions of eligibility for the Erasmus grant. These are:
- Students must be citizens of one of the EU states, Switzerland or Liechtenstein or recognized by one of these states as having the official status of refugee, or stateless person or permanent resident.
- Students must be matriculated at Basel University. (They pay the regular tuition fee in Basel during their Erasmus stay abroad.)
- The student’s home institution (Basel University) guarantees the full recognition of their studies abroad.
- Students need to spend a minimum period of 3 months, a maximum period of 10 months studying abroad.
- Students in the first year of their studies are not eligible for Erasmusexchange.
For more information on the university's requirements, please see the main Erasmus page.
Simone Sumpf is in charge of registration, which should take place until 15 January. A registration form (PDF) should be completed and a short statement of intentions and interests supplied including the intended subjects of study.
Selections Criteria
The respective professor(s) at the Department of English will choose students who are best suited to the course programme applied for and who can therefore profit most from it. Criteria are:
- having reached a sufficiently advanced stage in one's course of study
- language competence
The student mobility grants are not full grants, but contributions towards mobility costs (for 3 to 10 months' study abroad); they vary between CHF 200 to CHF 250 per month of study depending on the country of the host university.
Some host universities will help you in finding accommodation. This varies according to local circumstances and national customs.
Starting Date
Students may do their term abroad either in the autumn or the spring term. However, we recommend that students who would like to go abroad for two terms, start their stay in the autumn term.
The European Confederation of Upper Rhine Universities (EUCOR) enables students to participate in courses from partner universities and benefit from international research possibilities. Through learning and research in various disciplines, the EUCOR universities can benefit mutually from the complementary specialisations.
For more information please visit the website of the EUCOR programme.
Language Assistant Programme
Great Britain and Switzerland have a long tradition of exchanging foreign language assistants between the school systems. The exchange is organised by Movetia. Students of English are offered posts as assistant teachers of their native language for a period of eight (England and Wales) or nine (Scotland and Northern Ireland) months. Students teach 12 hours a week and receive a salary of ca. £820/month. Each year there are 20 places for applicants from the German speaking part of Switzerland and 10 for applicants from the French speaking part. Application forms are available here.
Students selected to participate in the scheme have to fulfil the following conditions
- students of English, 4th semester or older
- native speakers of German or French
- enrolled in Swiss schools at least since 7th grade
- good educational background, experience in working with children and teenagers
- age between 21 and 30
For further information best get in touch with Movetia directly. Some general recommendations can also be obtained from our student advisor.
Applications must be sent by January 15th.
Amity Intern Teacher Program
The Intern Teacher Program provides volunteer teaching assistants to serve as models of language and culture in US schools at all levels, from preschool through university. Interns can be assigned to a school for up to 12 months. Interns assist in the classroom for up to 25 hours per week, take Personal Study Classes and live with American Host Families.
Students selected to participate in the scheme have to fulfil the following conditions
- between the ages of 21 and 30
- single with no children
- currently enrolled in/completed higher education
- native speakers of German, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish or Chinese
Most importantly, the applicant must have an enthusiasm for working with US students and enjoy intercultural communication!
At a certain point of the registration process, you will be interviewed by our student advisor.
All further information about the program can be found here. Applications can be made online.
Grant applicants
The James Fenimore-Cooper grant is addressed to those affiliated with the Department of English of the University of Basel, above all advanced students and PhD students, as well as lecturers and other members of staff.
Aim of funding
The grant aims at:
- facilitating study visits to English-speaking regions
- allowing contributions to printing costs for (1) doctoral theses and professorial dissertations in the field of anglophone literature and cultural studies as well as English linguistics which have been accepted by the University of Basel and awarded for their excellence; and (2) scientific publications in the field of anglophone literature and cultural studies, English linguistics, as well as aspects thereof.
- supporting conferences and summer schools in the field of anglophone literature and cultural studies as well as English linguistics, both organized by and beneficial to PhD students and members of staff of the Department of English.
Please read the info sheet (PDF) on how to apply.
There are three application deadlines per year: 15 February, 15 May, 15 October.