Current PhD Projects
Candidate | Working title | Research areas/keywords |
Ambrosetti, Letizia | t.b.a. | |
Aerni, Anouk | "and the bodies buried there, fertilize the ground": The Relative Autonomy of Nature and Humans in Postmodern American Postbellum Prose | ecocriticism; American postbellum literature; postmodern prose; 20th century |
Albrecht, Maxi | The Cultural Politics of Intelligences in 21st-Century Post-Apocalyptic and Dystopian Survival Narrative | |
Blagojevic, Blanka | Europe East and West: Negotiations of a Blurry Borderline SNF-Project British Literary and Cultural Discourses of Europe | contemporary British travel writing, discourses of Europe, Eastern Europe in British literature and culture, Balkanism, cultural topographies |
Ehrsam, Kristina | The Role of English as a Lingua Franca in the Foreign Language Classroom | English as a lingua franca; multilingualism; foreign language teaching; construction of language expertise |
Frey, Michaela | Bodily Encounters: Nature and Embodiment in British Poetry (2000-2017) | contemporary nature poetry, new nature writing, new materialism, ecofeminism, phenomenology, corporeality |
Heeg, Stefanie | Anglo-Swiss Travel Accounts in the Early Modern Period | travel writing, mapping, digital humanities, grand tour, knowledge networks, cultural exchange, Switzerland in British literature, Britain in Swiss literature |
Imboden, Tamara Dima | Structural Entanglements: Urban Experience and Narrative Structure | contemporary urban fiction; narrative structure; memory; trauma; identity; urban text; Michel de Certeau |
Inoue, Airi | The resistance of cultural stereotyping in retellings of interaction: a study of current and former Japanese students’ resistance strategies in Switzerland | microaggressions, cultural stereotypes, identity construction, power, positioning theory, critical discourse analysis |
Jimenez, Isabel | Race, Class, Power, and Academia 101: A Study on Contemporary Campus Novels | |
Kacl, Eleonora | Acknowledging the Human-Animal Bond. Creating Trust and Providing Expertise in Veterinarian-Client-Health Discourse | advice, discourse analysis, expertise in health, health communication, human-animal communication, relational work, veterinarian communication |
Kraft, Corin | Memory, Place, and the Postsouthern in Contemporary US Southern Literature | Southern studies, Southern literature, memory studies, contemporary Mississippi literature, postmodernism |
Manson, Thomas | Remapping the outmoded in rural England, 1870–1995 | rural modernity, modernism, Walter Benjamin, Marxist theory, Englishness |
Mauruschat, Ania | sound & radio studies, transnational & entangled media histories, literature & science, media archeology & digitization, avant-garde, modernism & post-modernism | |
Nisticò, Simona | The translation of linguistic impoliteness in English, French, and Italian | translation, pragmatics of fiction, interpersonal pragmatics, conflict, relational work, im/politeness |
Ortiz, Daniel | A Brief History of Decay in American Literature | decadence and ‘late’ literature; aesthetics and metaphysics, intellectual history; 19th and 20th century American literature; horror fiction; literary vitalism and pantheism |
Parkhowell, Lindsay | t.b.a. | |
Rapcsák, Balázs | SNSF project Beckett’s Media System: A Comparative Study in Multimediality | Beckett studies, media theory, media technologies, agency, multimediality |
Sabbioni, Sof | Radical Right Studies; U.S. American Literature; Russian Literature; Fiction and Fact; Comparative Literature; Speculative Fiction | |
Never-ending Closure. (Un)authorized expansion of popular culture storyworlds |
Completed PhD Projects
Candidate | Title | Research areas/keywords |
Askin, Ridvan | Narrative and Becoming: Differential Narratology Research Database: Project 103858 | Differential narratology, the transcendental and empirical |
Bieri, Aline | Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in a Swiss Context: The Linguistic Challenges and Implications of Teaching Biology in English (CLIL) and German (non-CLIL) analyzed through the Lens of Translanguaging and Technicality Research Database: Project 3572984 | Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), second and foreign language learning and teaching, second language acquisition (SLA), conversation analysis (CA), sociolinguistics |
Bolander, Brook | On Power in Blogs Research Database: Project 103880 | computer-mediated communication, disagreement, power |
Caci, Ursula | Locating Gender in Space: Emily Dickinson's Conception of Gender Research Database: Project 132010 | |
Diederich, Catherine | Framing Sensory Adjectives: A Seminatic Analysis of Sensory Language Research Database: Project 1167187 | sensory language, frame semantics, corpus linguistics
Gottlieb, Derek | Common Nonsense: Community and Skepticism in Shakespearean Comedy | |
Hägler, Andreas | History, Critique, Utopia: Experimental Writing in the Context of Contemporary Anglophone Literature Research Database: Project 103857 | contemporary anglophone literature, experimental literature, aesthetic theory, Adorno |
Hänggi, Christian | Thomas Pynchon’s Sonic Fictions Research Database: Project 1454158 | Thomas Pynchon, sound studies, noise, silence, music |
Keller, Daniela | Germany and Physics in English Fiction after 1960: A Diffractive Reading of Anglo-German Entanglements Research Database: Project 2280353 | contemporary British fiction, cultural topographies |
Küng, Melanie | Bordering Europe: The English Channel in British Literature and Culture from the Second World War to Brexit SNSF project British Literary and Cultural Discourses of Europe | contemporary British fiction and travel writing, cultural topographies, memory studies, discourses of Europe, national identity, border studies |
Loew, Joelle | "Communication is everything." Identities and gender at work: a linguistic perspective on agile IT Research Database: Project 4486876 | identity construction, workplace discourse, gender, agile, interactional sociolinguistics |
Lüthi, Daniel | Space and Narrative in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Novels Research Database: Project 2280340 | Space, narratology, Terry Pratchett |
Meier, Stefanie | Language education and the global care work economy. Mapping structural inequalities in Philippine nurse migration to Germany Research Database: Project 3572983 | political economy of language, language education and labor migration, border management, language and the international division of reproductive labor critical sociolinguistics, ethnography of communication |
Messerli, Thomas | Repetition in Telecinematic Humour – How US American Sitcoms Employ Repetitive Patterns in the Construction of Multimodal Humour Research Database: Project 1653180 | telecinematic discourse, (linguistic) humour theories, sitcom humour, repetition and incongruity, (multimodal) discourse analysis |
Moreillon, Olivier | Cities in Flux: Capetonian and Durbanite Literary Topographies | South Africa, post-apartheid literature, space and place, South African cities, (South) African urban studies, Mariam Akabor, Rozena Maart, Johan van Wyk, K. Sello Duiker, Bridget McNulty, Lauren Beukes |
Osei-Bonsu, Victoria | Representations of the Other in Selected Works of Joseph Conrad | Representation and othering, postcolonial discourse and analysis |
Quassdorf, Sixta | "A little more than kin" – Quotations as a linguistic phenomenon. A study based on quotations from Shakespeare's Hamlet | Phraseology, Quotation Studies, Shakespeare, Digital Humanities, Historical Linguistics, Pragmatics |
Reichel, A. Elisabeth | Writing Anthropologists, Sounding Primitives: The Poetry and Scholarship of Edward Sapir, Margaret Mead, and Ruth Benedict SNF-Project: Of Cultural, Poetic, and Medial Alterity | alterity, media, intermediality, sound and visual studies, notions of immediacy |
Rudolf von Rohr, Marie-Thérèse | Persuation in Smoking Cessation Online Research Database: Project 963000 | persuasion, relational work, identity construction, discourse analysis, computer-mediated communication
Thurnherr, Franziska | Interpersonal Pragmatics and the Therapeutic Alliance: The Collaborative Work in Email Counseling Research Database: Project 1087057 | relational work, identity construction, (mental) health discourse, therapeutic alliance, computer-mediated communication, discourse analysis, interpersonal pragmatics |