Current PhD Projects


Working title

Research areas/keywords

Ambrosetti, Letiziat.b.a. 
Aerni, Anouk"and the bodies buried there, fertilize the ground": The Relative Autonomy of Nature and Humans in Postmodern American Postbellum Prose

ecocriticism; American postbellum literature; postmodern prose; 20th century

Albrecht, MaxiThe Cultural Politics of Intelligences in 21st-Century Post-Apocalyptic and Dystopian Survival Narrative 

Blagojevic, Blanka

Europe East and West: Negotiations of a Blurry Borderline

SNF-Project British Literary and Cultural Discourses of Europe

contemporary British travel writing, discourses of Europe, Eastern Europe in British literature and culture, Balkanism, cultural topographies

Ehrsam, KristinaThe Role of English as a Lingua Franca in the Foreign Language Classroom

English as a lingua franca; multilingualism; foreign language teaching; construction of language expertise

Frey, MichaelaBodily Encounters: Nature and Embodiment in British Poetry (2000-2017)contemporary nature poetry, new nature writing, new materialism, ecofeminism, phenomenology, corporeality
Heeg, StefanieAnglo-Swiss Travel Accounts in the Early Modern Period

travel writing, mapping, digital humanities, grand tour, knowledge networks, cultural exchange, Switzerland in British literature, Britain in Swiss literature

Imboden, Tamara DimaStructural Entanglements: Urban Experience and Narrative Structurecontemporary urban fiction; narrative structure; memory; trauma; identity; urban text; Michel de Certeau
Inoue, Airi

The resistance of cultural stereotyping in retellings of interaction: a study of current and former Japanese students’ resistance strategies in Switzerland

microaggressions, cultural stereotypes, identity construction, power, positioning theory, critical discourse analysis
Jimenez, IsabelRace, Class, Power, and Academia 101: A Study on Contemporary Campus Novels 
Kacl, EleonoraAcknowledging the Human-Animal Bond. Creating Trust and Providing Expertise in Veterinarian-Client-Health Discourse

advice, discourse analysis, expertise in health, health communication, human-animal communication, relational work, veterinarian communication

Kraft, CorinMemory, Place, and the Postsouthern in Contemporary US Southern LiteratureSouthern studies, Southern literature, memory studies, contemporary Mississippi literature, postmodernism
Manson, ThomasRemapping the outmoded in rural England, 1870–1995rural modernity, modernism, Walter Benjamin, Marxist theory, Englishness

Mauruschat, Ania

Radiophonie, Störung und Erkenntnis. Zur Epistemologie der Radiokunst am Beispiel der Katastrophenhörspiele von Andreas Ammer und FM Einheit

sound & radio studies, transnational & entangled media histories, literature & science, media archeology & digitization, avant-garde, modernism & post-modernism

Nisticò, Simona

The translation of linguistic impoliteness in English, French, and Italian

translation, pragmatics of fiction, interpersonal pragmatics, conflict, relational work, im/politeness
Ortiz, DanielA Brief History of Decay in American Literaturedecadence and ‘late’ literature; aesthetics and metaphysics, intellectual history; 19th and 20th century American literature; horror fiction; literary vitalism and pantheism
Parkhowell, Lindsayt.b.a. 

Rapcsák, Balázs

Samuel Beckett's Media Art

SNSF project Beckett’s Media System: A Comparative Study in Multimediality

Beckett studies, media theory, media technologies, agency, multimediality

Sabbioni, Sof

Fantasy, Fiction, Faction, and Fascism. A Comparative Literary and Discursive Analysis of the Contemporary U.S. American and Russian Radical Right’s Narratives of Empire

Radical Right Studies; U.S. American Literature; Russian Literature; Fiction and Fact; Comparative Literature; Speculative Fiction

Waltisperg, StephanieNever-ending Closure. (Un)authorized expansion of popular culture storyworlds 

Completed PhD Projects



Research areas/keywords

Askin, Ridvan

Narrative and Becoming: Differential Narratology

Research Database: Project 103858

Differential narratology, the transcendental and empirical

Bieri, Aline

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in a Swiss Context: The Linguistic Challenges and Implications of Teaching Biology in English (CLIL) and German (non-CLIL) analyzed through the Lens of Translanguaging and Technicality

Research Database: Project 3572984

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), second and foreign language learning and teaching, second language acquisition (SLA), conversation analysis (CA), sociolinguistics

Bolander, Brook

On Power in Blogs

Research Database: Project 103880

computer-mediated communication, disagreement, power

Caci, Ursula

Locating Gender in Space: Emily Dickinson's Conception of Gender

Research Database: Project 132010


Diederich, Catherine

Framing Sensory Adjectives: A Seminatic Analysis of Sensory Language

Research Database: Project 1167187

sensory language, frame semantics, corpus linguistics


Gottlieb, DerekCommon Nonsense: Community and Skepticism in Shakespearean Comedy 

Hägler, Andreas

History, Critique, Utopia: Experimental Writing in the Context of Contemporary Anglophone Literature

Research Database: Project 103857

contemporary anglophone literature, experimental literature, aesthetic theory, Adorno

Hänggi, Christian

Thomas Pynchon’s Sonic Fictions

Research Database: Project 1454158

Thomas Pynchon, sound studies, noise, silence, music

Keller, Daniela

Germany and Physics in English Fiction after 1960: A Diffractive Reading of Anglo-German Entanglements

Research Database: Project 2280353

contemporary British fiction, cultural topographies
Küng, Melanie

Bordering Europe: The English Channel in British Literature and Culture from the Second World War to Brexit

SNSF project British Literary and Cultural Discourses of Europe

contemporary British fiction and travel writing, cultural topographies, memory studies, discourses of Europe, national identity, border studies
Loew, Joelle

"Communication is everything." Identities and gender at work: a linguistic perspective on agile IT

Research Database: Project 4486876

identity construction, workplace discourse, gender, agile, interactional sociolinguistics

Lüthi, Daniel

Space and Narrative in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Novels

Research Database: Project 2280340

Space, narratology, Terry Pratchett

Meier, Stefanie

Language education and the global care work economy. Mapping structural inequalities in Philippine nurse migration to Germany

Research Database: Project 3572983

political economy of language, language education and labor migration, border management, language and the international division of reproductive labor

critical sociolinguistics, ethnography of communication

Messerli, Thomas

Repetition in Telecinematic Humour – How US American Sitcoms Employ Repetitive Patterns in the Construction of Multimodal Humour

Research Database: Project 1653180

telecinematic discourse, (linguistic) humour theories, sitcom humour, repetition and incongruity, (multimodal) discourse analysis

Moreillon, Olivier

Cities in Flux: Capetonian and Durbanite Literary Topographies

South Africa, post-apartheid literature, space and place, South African cities, (South) African urban studies, Mariam Akabor, Rozena Maart, Johan van Wyk, K. Sello Duiker, Bridget McNulty, Lauren Beukes

Osei-Bonsu, VictoriaRepresentations of the Other in Selected Works of Joseph ConradRepresentation and othering, postcolonial discourse and analysis
Quassdorf, Sixta"A little more than kin" – Quotations as a linguistic phenomenon. A study based on quotations from Shakespeare's HamletPhraseology, Quotation Studies, Shakespeare, Digital Humanities, Historical Linguistics, Pragmatics
Reichel, A. Elisabeth

Writing Anthropologists, Sounding Primitives: The Poetry and Scholarship of Edward Sapir, Margaret Mead, and Ruth Benedict

SNF-Project: Of Cultural, Poetic, and Medial Alterity

alterity, media, intermediality, sound and visual studies, notions of immediacy

Rudolf von Rohr, Marie-Thérèse

Persuation in Smoking Cessation Online

Research Database: Project 963000
SNF-Project: Language and Health Online

persuasion, relational work, identity construction, discourse analysis, computer-mediated communication


Thurnherr, Franziska

Interpersonal Pragmatics and the Therapeutic Alliance: The Collaborative Work in Email Counseling

Research Database: Project 1087057
SNF-Project: Language and Health Online

relational work, identity construction, (mental) health discourse, therapeutic alliance, computer-mediated communication, discourse analysis, interpersonal pragmatics