Conferences and workshops organized at the English Department (Team Locher)
International conferences
Third International Symposium of Politeness, 2010
Summer School: Research on computer-mediated communication in linguistics (RCMCL), Ascona, 2012
Narrative Matters in Literature, Linguistics, Psychology and Medicine, 2015 (see project)
Language and Health Online: Writing yourself healthy, 2016 (see project)
International Symposium of Politeness / i-mean, 2021
Local conferences
The English linguistics team organises SWELL every seventh year.
See research projects Life (beyond) writing and Language and health online.
Contributions to Conferences and Workshops (Plenaries/invitations in bold)
Locher, Miriam A. (2024). Identity construction online from Facebook to Viki fandom through an interpersonal pragmatics lens. Paper presented at the "Online Selves – Self Online -- Online Lecture Series", Tampere University/University of Bayreuth. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2024). Politeness research and its theoretical interface: Insights from fictional data and health communication research. Paper presented at the Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), Lausanne, Switzerland. (invited)
Jucker, Andreas H., & Locher, Miriam A. (2023). Fiction, speech acts and multimodality: How characters do things with gestures. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Köln.
Locher, Miriam A. (2023). Pragmatics of Fiction: Applications in the Classroom. Paper presented at the English Department, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2023). Pragmatics and Politeness. Keynote presented at the Meeting of the Pragmatics Association of Nigeria, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Nigeria. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2023). Politeness Discourses from a Lay and Expert Perspective. Paper presented at the Ringvorlesung: Kommuniation linguistisch analysiren: Sprache, Interaction und Medien, University of Basel.
Locher, Miriam A., & Messerli, Thomas C. (2023). “OMG I ship them like crazy”: Acts of self-positioning through evaluations in Korean TV-drama fan comments. Paper presented at the IPrA, Brussels.
Messerli, Thomas C., & Locher, Miriam A. (2023). Panel: It’s not what you are like, it’s what you like: Appraisal, stance and evaluation in online fandom. Paper presented at the IPrA, Brussels.
Locher, Miriam A. (2022). Digital Humanities Curricula Development. Paper presented at the Colloquium, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2022). MA in Digital Humanities – from digital native to skilled expert? Reflections on the challenges of developing a new study program. Paper presented at the Colloquium, KAIST, South Korea. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2022). Pragmatics and CMC: Discussing relational work of fictional characters online. Paper presented at the Invited lecture in research seminar, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A., & Messerli, Thomas C. (2022). "what does hyung mean please?”: Moments of teaching and learning about Korean (im)politeness on an online streaming platform of Korean TV drama Paper presented at the IPrA, Gent, Belgium.
Locher, Miriam A. (2022). Engaging with the cultural other: Fan translations of Korean TV drama on Viki from a pragmatic perspective. University of Leipzig, Germany. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2022). Learning about Korea(n) by engaging with K-drama: Fan translations and timed comments on Viki. Oxford University, Oxford, UK. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2022). Pseudo-live comments on K-Drama videos: Fan engagement with the cultural other. Paper presented at the Linguistics Colloquium, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2021). Round table Swiss Pragmatics: past, present, future (Input and discussion). Online Workshop organized by Thierry Herman (UNINE & UNIL), Jérôme Jacquin (UNIL), Steve Oswald (UNIFR) & Sandrine Zufferey (UNIBE). (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2021). Relational work negotiations in fiction and their uptake: Communal viewing of K(orean)-Drama on a streaming platform. Paper presented at the Linguistics Research Seminar Series, University of Huddersfield (UK). (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2021). “Were they not formal before?”: The Pragmatics of fiction in translated relational work scenes of Korean TV drama and its uptake in timed comments. Paper presented at IPrA, ZHAW, Winterthur, Switzerland. (plenary)
Locher, Miriam A. (2021). Discussing relational work of fictional characters online. Paper presented at the Linguistischen Kolloquium (LingKoll), University of Bayreuth. (invited)
Messerli, Thomas C., & Locher, Miriam A. (2021). Commenting while watching: Synchronous and pseudo-synchronous text-based engagement with and about audiovisual artefacts. Panel convened at IPrA, ZHAW, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Messerli, Thomas C., & Locher, Miriam A. (2021). “This is not the place to bother people about BTS”: Interaction within timed comments on the video streaming platform Viki. Paper presented at IPrA, ZHAW, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Messerli, Thomas C., & Locher, Miriam A. (2021). Contrastive analysis of English fan and professional subtitles of Korean TV Drama. Paper presented at the Symposium of Im/Politeness and i-mean, University of Basel.
Messerli, Thomas C., & Locher, Miriam A. (2020). Positioning yourself as a Korean Drama fan online: Korean lexical borrowing in multilingual timed comments. Paper presented at the Applied Linguistics in the Digital Age. Vals-Asla Meeting 2020, University of Neuchâtel.
Messerli, Thomas, & Locher, Miriam A. (2020). Joint K-Drama Viewing: Community building through fan subtitling and timed comments on Viki. Paper presented at the Discourses of Fictional (Digital) TV Series, University of Valencia, Spain.
Locher, Miriam A. (2020). Interpersonal pragmatics in fiction: Approaching politeness from a lay translation perspective in K-drama. Paper presented at the DISCOG, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. (invited)
Locher, M. A. (2019). Avenues into pragmatics: From politeness to identity construction, online and offline. Paper presented at the Invited lecture, Korea Unversity, South Korea. (invited)
Locher, M. A. (2019). The Pragmatics of Fiction: From the challenges of politeness translations to the negotiation of culture in viewer comments on K-drama. Paper presented at the Invited lecture, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea. (invited)
Locher, M. A. (2019). The pragmatics of fiction: Making Korean TV drama accessible to an international audience. Paper presented at the Semiosis Lecture Series, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2019). Politeness in K-drama fiction: From subtitling challenges to fan negotiations of culture. Paper presented at the IV Firsova Readings: “Language in Modern Discourse Practices”, RUDN University, Moscow. (plenary)
Locher, M. A. (2019). Weaving voices in online communal TV watching of K-drama: English as a lingua franca, relational work and identity construction. Paper presented at i-mean, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand. (plenary)
Locher, M. A. (2019). Viewer meta-comments on relational work in Korean tv drama. Paper presented at the Symposium of Politeness, Cambridge, UK.
Messerli, T. C., & Locher, M. A. (2019). ‘Lol while you watch’ How participatory viewers do humour in comments on Korean TV drama. Paper presented at the International Pragmatics Association, Hong Kong.
Locher, Miriam A. (2018). Reflexives Schreiben in medizinischen Zusammenhängen. Paper presented in the context of Yvonne Ilg's a seminar „Reden über Gesundheit und Krankheit", Zürich. (invited)
Locher, M. A. (2018). Language and health online: Typing yourself healthy. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Internet Pragmatics, Fuzhou, China. (plenary)
Locher, M. A. (2018). Identity construction, relational work and politeness: Theoretical developments within interpersonal pragmatics. Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China. (invited)
Locher, M. A. (2018). Identity construction, relational work and politeness: Theoretical developments within interpersonal pragmatics. Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. (invited)
Locher, M. A. (2018). Reflective writing in medical practice: A linguistic case study. Paper presented at the Invited lecture at Beihang University, Beijing, China. (invited)
Locher, M. A. (2018). Identity construction, relational work and politeness: Theoretical developments within interpersonal pragmatics. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. (invited)
Locher, M. A. (2018). Reflective writing in medical practice: A linguistic case study. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. (invited)
Locher, M. A. (2018). Identity construction, relational work and politeness: Theoretical developments within interpersonal pragmatics. Xi’an University of Foreign Studies, Xi'an, China. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2018). Evidence of relational work online: Conflict and (dis)agreement. Paper presented at the Diskurse – digital: Theorien, Methoden, Fallstudien, Berlin. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2018). Moments of relational work in English fan translations of Korean tv drama: “Okay, unni. (Unni = sign of respect or ‘older sister’ from a girl)”. Paper presented at the Symposium of Politeness, Valencia, Spain.
Locher, Miriam A., & Messerli, Thomas C. (2018). Relational work and participation structures in interlingual subtitling from the perspective of pragmatics of fiction. Paper presented at the Georgtown University Roundtable in Linguistics, Washington, D.C., USA.
Locher, Miriam A., & Messerli, Thomas C. (2018). Participatory watching of telecinematic fiction in an international drama viewing platform. Paper presented at the VALS-ASLA: A Video Turn in Linguistics? Methodologie – Analisi – Applications, Basel, Switzerland.
Locher, Miriam A. (2017). Interpersonal pragmatics: a relational lens on online health practices. Paper presented at the New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, Lodz. (plenary)
Locher, Miriam A. (2017). Reflexives Schreiben in medizinischen Zusammenhängen. Paper presented at the Workshop „Sprache im Kontext von Trauer und Lebensende“, Göttingen. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2016). Interpersonal pragmatics - Beziehungsarbeit - (Un)Höflichkeit: Synergien und neue Fragen. Paper presented at the Sprachliche Höflichkeit: Historische, aktuelle und künftige Perspektiven, Bergische Universität Wuppertal. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2016). Interpersonal Pragmatics and Advice in E-Health Contexts. Paper presented at the Research School for Methods in Empirical Pragmatic, University of Bonn. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2016). Language and Health Online: Welcome and opening. Paper presented at the Language and Health Online: Typing yourself healthy, University of Basel.
Locher, Miriam A. (2016). A mixed methodology approach for studying interpersonal pragmatics in computer-mediated health practices. Paper presented at the Connecting the Dots in a Glocalized World 3rd International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Sultan Qaboos University, Muskat, Oman.
Locher, Miriam A., & Luginbühl, Martin. (2016). Meta-discussions on Swiss politeness in German speaking online newspaper commentaries. Paper presented at the LIAR - Linguistic Impoliteness and Rudeness Conference, University of Manchester.
Locher, Miriam A., Thurnherr, Franziska, & Rudolf von Rohr, Marie-Thérèse. (2016). Language and Health Online: Trust, credibility, information- and advice-giving. Paper presented at the Language and Health Online: Typing yourself healthy, University of Basel.
Locher, Miriam A. (2015). Interpersonal Pragmatics – Relational Work – (Im)politeness. Paper presented at the Language, Literature & CULTURE in a Changing Transatlantic World III, University of Presov, Slovakia. (plenary)
Locher, Miriam A. (2015). Questions in and about Interpersonal Pragmatics. Paper presented at the Politeness Symposium, University of Athens, Greece.
Locher, Miriam A. (2015). Typing yourself healthy. Online health communication from an interpersonal pragmatics perspective. Paper presented at the MOOD-Z Conference University of Zürich. (plenary)
Thurnherr, Franziska, & Locher, Miriam A. (2015). “How can people be so angry with me when I’m so harmless?” or how language impacts identity construction in email counseling. Paper presented at the i-mean, University of Warwick, UK.
Thurnherr, Franziska, Locher, Miriam A., & Rudolf von Rohr, Marie-Thérèse. (2015). "beau, me and hubby quit cold turkey too": The functions of 'narratives' in two written online health contexts, presentation. Paper presented at the Personal Narrative Online, University of Bayreuth Germany. (invited)
Thurnherr, Franziska, Rudolf von Rohr, Marie-Thérèse, & Locher, Miriam A. (2015). Linguistic expert creation in online health practices Paper presented at the ADDA, Universitat de Valencia, Spain.
Locher, Miriam A. (2014). Interpersonal pragmatics: Studying the relational aspect of language. Paper presented at the Invited presenation at the University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A., & Jucker, Andreas H. (2014). Space and virtual interaction in second life. Paper presented at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 20, Jyväskylä, Finland.
Thurnherr, Franziska, Rudolf von Rohr, Marie-Thérèse, & Locher, Miriam A. (2014). Studying identity construction in written health practices with a mixed methodology approach. Paper presented at the 4th ALAPP (Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice) Conference 2014, Geneva.
Jucker, Andreas H., Locher, Miriam A., & Berger, Manuel. (2013). Raum und Interaktion im Second Life. Paper presented at the Interaktion im virtuellen Raum – Raum in der virtuellen Interaktion, University of Zurich. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2013). Forty Years of Politeness Research. Paper presented at the The History of Pragmatics Lecture Series, Andreas H. Jucker, University of Zurich. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2013). Humor in microblogging: Exploiting humor strategies for identity construction in two Facebook Groups. Paper presented at the Linguistic Approaches to Funniness, Amusement and Laughter. 3rd International Symposium: Entertainment Discourse beyond Humour Studies, Lodz. (plenary)
Locher, Miriam A. (2013). The relational aspect of language. Avenues of research. Paper presented at the Deutscher Anglistentag, Konstanz. (plenary)
Locher, Miriam A. (2013). Teaching communication skills at a medical school: From keeping eye contact to creating rapport. Paper presented at the Symposium of Politeness: Teaching and Learning (Im)Politeness, SOAS, London, UK.
Locher, Miriam A., & Bolander, Brook. (2013). Relational work and the display of multilingualism in two Facebook groups. Paper presented at the Facework and Social Media, University of Hildesheim, Germany. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A., & Koenig, Regula. (2013). Handling emotions as a challenge in reflective writing texts by medical students. Paper presented at the SAUTE conference: Emotion, Affect, Sentiment: The Language and Aesthetics of Feeling, Lausanne.
Locher, Miriam A., Koenig, Regula, & Meier, Janine. (2013). Reflective writing texts by medical students: A genre analysis. Paper presented at the Narrative Matters in Literature, Linguistics, Psychology and Medicine, English Department, University of Basel.
Locher, Miriam A., & Mondada, Lorenza. (2013). Linguistik 2.0. Zum Sprachgebrauch in den Digital Humanities. Paper presented at the Digital Media Studies in der Praxis. Wie die Geisteswissenschaften auf die neuen Medien reagieren. Ringvorlesung, AT2013, R. Simanowski, Basel.
Langlotz, Andreas, & Locher, Miriam A. (2012). Relational work and emotions. Paper presented at the LIAR III. Experimental and empirical approaches to politeness and impoliteness, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.
Locher, Miriam A. (2012). Discussant: "Wissen über Handlungsmuster" / "Sprachliche Effizienz". Paper presented at the Workshop Sprachdiversität in Arbeitsprozessen: Lingua franca Deutsch/ Lingua franca Englisch in internationalen Unternehmen II, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Departement Angewandte Linguistik. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2012). The interpersonal aspect of language use -- or why politeness matters. Paper presented at the St. John’s College Fellow Speaker Series, St. John’s College, UBC, Vancouver.
Locher, Miriam A. (2012). ‘Life (beyond) writing: Illness narrative’: Reflective writing for BA medical students – First results. Paper presented at the English Department Colloquium, UBC, Vancouver, Canada.
Locher, Miriam A., & Bolander, Brook. (2012). Relational work and the display of multilingualism in two Facebook groups. Paper presented at the Linguistics Colloquium, University of Victoria, Canada.
Locher, Miriam A., & Langlotz, Andreas. (2012). Emotions and relational work. Paper presented at the Linguistics Department Colloquium, UBC, Linguistics Department, Vancouver.
Bolander, Brook, & Locher, Miriam A. (2011). “(Name) is a dumb nut”: Status updates and reactions to them as 'acts of positioning' in Facebook. Paper presented at the Georgetown Round Table 2011: "Discourse 2.0 Language and New Media", Washington, D.C.
Gygax, Franziska, Koenig, Regula, & Locher, Miriam A. (2011). Moving Across Disciplines and Genres. Paper presented at the SAUTE: On the Move, Bern.
Koenig, Regula, Locher, Miriam A., & Tischler, Victoria (2011). Dilemmas of identity construction in reflective writing on a memorable patient encounter by medical students. Paper presented at the ALAPP, Cardiff.
Koenig, Regula, Locher, Miriam A., & Tischler, Victoria. (2011). 'Is it okay if I ask you a few question?' Reflective writing on a memorable patient encounter by medical students. Paper presented at the Communication, Medicine and Ethics, Nottingham.
Langlotz, Andreas, & Locher, Miriam A. (2011). The role of emotions in a discursive approach to relational work. Paper presented at the Towards a Discursive Pragmatics, Sheffield, UK. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2011). Lingua Franca Englisch, diskutiert anhand eines Sprachbeispiels aus der Arbeitswelt. Paper presented at the Workshop Sprachdiversität in Arbeitsprozessen: Lingua franca Deutsch/ Lingua franca Englisch in internationalen Unternehmen ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Departement Angewandte Linguistik. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A., & Bolander, Brook. (2011). Facebook status updates in two focus groups. Paper presented at the Blockseminar „Sprache & Medialität“, 7./8. Februar 2011, Zürich.
Locher, Miriam A., & Bolander, Brook. (2011). Facebook status updates: Linguistic identity construction and acts of positioning. Paper presented at the From pamphlet to blogs, Universität Heidelberg, Germany. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A., & Bolander, Brook. (2011). Language and acts of positioning in Facebook. Paper presented at the Sprache als soziale und kulturelle Praxis. Neue Ergebnisse aus der Linguistik, Basel.
Locher, Miriam A., & Bolander, Brook. (2011). Linguistic identity construction in two focus groups of Facebookers. Paper presented at the Research Colloquium, York St John University, York. (invited)
Angouri, Jo, & Locher, Miriam A. (2010). Disagreement on and off line. Paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Politeness, Basel.
Bolander, Brook, & Locher, Miriam A. (2010). Language, identity and 'acts of positioning' in Facebook: Preliminary results of a pilot study. Paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Politeness, Basel.
Langlotz, Andreas, & Locher, Miriam A. (2010). Emotional display in online disagreements. Paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Politeness, Basel.
Locher, Miriam A. (2010). Politeness research from past to future, with a special focus on the discursive approach. Paper presented at the EPICS IV, Seville, Spain. (plenary)
Bolander, Brook, & Locher, Miriam A. (2009). Constructing identity on Facebook. Paper presented at the SAUTE, Fribourg.
Harvey, Kevin, Locher, Miriam A., & Mullany, Louise. (2009). “You may very well feel like a small fish in a big pond”: A linguistic analysis of the constructions of mental health in two Internet advice columns. Paper presented at the the Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET), Cardiff, Wales.
Langlotz, Andreas, & Locher, Miriam A. (2009). Cognition, interaction and emotion: Exploring their intersection in relational work. Paper presented at the i-mean, Bristol.
Locher, Miriam A. (2009). ‘Come on, I am not a moron’ Theorising impoliteness (online). Paper presented at the Invited lecture, University of Bonn. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2009). Health on the Web: Computer-mediated Communication. Paper presented at the Colloquium of the Institute of Communication and Health, Lugano. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2009). Introduction to panel on impoliteness in computer-mediated communication. Paper presented at the LIAR II, Lancaster, UK.
Locher, Miriam A. (2009). Introduction to panel on politeness in computer-mediated communication. Paper presented at the IPRA, Melbourne, Australia.
Locher, Miriam A. (2009). Facebook and relational work: A report on a pilot study. Paper presented at the Sociolinguistic Festival, Lecture Series, Wellington, NZ. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2009). Internet health advice columns: How to study relational work online. Paper presented at the Sociolinguistic Festival, Lecture Series, Wellington, NZ. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2009). ‘Relational work’and its usefulness for applied linguistics. Paper presented at the Sociolinguistic Festival, Lecture Series, Wellington, NZ. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A., & Bolander, Brook. (2009). Beziehungsarbeit (‚relational work‘) im Internet. Vorläufige Resultate einer Pilotstudie zu ‘Acts of Positioning in Facebook’. Paper presented at the Colloquium, University of Augsburg. (invited)
Harvey, Kevin, Locher, Miriam A., & Mullany, Louise. (2008). Identity performance in online health columns: The linguistic construction of the expert persona. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, Swansea, UK.
Harvey, Kevin, Locher, Miriam A., & Mullany, Louise. (2008). "Is the aids virus difficult to catch?": A linguistic analysis of two Internet advice columns on sexual health. Paper presented at the Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET), Cape Town, South Africa.
Locher, Miriam A. (2008). Advice Online, Invitation to speak on corpus linguistics methodology with respect to "Advice Online" Paper presented at the CLARET, a post-graduate workshop, Nottingham Trent University and The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2008). Advice Online: How to study variation in advice-giving. Paper presented at the Cross-institutional Research Group, Language in Professions, Nottingham Trent University and The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A. (2007). Impoliteness in Language: an Introduction. Paper presented at the 10th International Pragmatics Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Locher, Miriam A. (2007). Investigating impoliteness: The interface between relational work and identity construction. Paper presented at the The Third International Symposium on Politeness, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. (plenary)
Locher, Miriam A. (2007). 'Troubled by attraction to tall women': Advice-giving in an American online health column. Paper presented at the Invitation to speak in the Colloquium, University of Bayreuth. (invited)
Locher, Miriam A., Bousfield, Derek, & Culpeper, Jonathan. (2007). Impoliteness in Language: New Perspectives on ‘politeness issues'. Paper presented at the 10th International Pragmatics Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Locher, Miriam A. (2006). Advice Online. Advice-Giving in an American Internet health column. Paper presented at the Berner Zirkel für Sprachwissenschaft.
Locher, Miriam A. (2006). The case of an Internet health column: Discursive practice, community of practice, discourse community? Paper presented at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 16, Limerick, Ireland.
Watts, Richard J., & Locher, Miriam A. (2005). Politeness as relational work: The discursive approach to polite behaviour Paper presented at the IPrA, Riva del Garda.
Hoffmann, Sebastian, & Locher, Miriam A. (2004). Discourse Markers and Grammaticalization Theory: The Case of in terms of. Paper presented at the ICAME, Verona.
Locher, Miriam A. (2004). Addressing the private and public readership in an American Internet advice column. Paper presented at the 3. Tage der Schweizer Linguistik, Bern.
Locher, Miriam A. (2004). Advice in a popular Internet advice column - Work in progress. Paper presented at the Cardiff University staff exchange, Cardiff.
Locher, Miriam A. (2004). Managing the private and public dimension in Internet advice columns (Poster). Paper presented at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 15, Culture - Contact - Change, Newcastle, England.
Locher, Miriam A., & Watts, Richard J. (2004). Politeness and Relational Work. Paper presented at the Cardiff University staff exchange, Cardiff.
Locher, Miriam A., & Hoffmann, Sebastian. (2003). Constructing authority in two Internet advice columns. Paper presented at the Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT 03), Washington DC.
Locher, Miriam A. (2002). Is a Positively Marked Form of Relational Work Equivalent to both First-order and Second-order Politeness? Paper presented at the Sociolinguistic Symposium 14 (SS14), Ghent, Belgium.
Locher, Miriam A. (2002). The Latest on Politeness. Paper presented at the Research Colloquium of the English Department, Zurich.
Locher, Miriam A. (2002). Markedness in Politeness Research. Paper presented at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 14 (SS14), Ghent, Belgium.