Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. A. Miriam Locher

Miriam Locher

Miriam A. Locher started her position as Professor of the Linguistics of English at the University of Basel in 2008. Information on publications can be found here:

 e-doc (university repository)

research database

publication list

2005: Habilitation "Advice Online", Venia docendi in English Linguistics, University of Berne

2002–2004: Certificate Higher Education, University of Berne

1999–2001: PhD "The Interface of Power and Politeness in Disagreements: An Analysis of Three Speech Situations"; supervisor Prof. Dr. R. J. Watts, External expert Prof. Dr. G. Tottie

2000–2001: Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University, Washington DC; sponsored by Prof. Dr. D. Tannen

1992–1998: University of Zurich; studies of English literature and linguistics, general history and British and American history (Lizentiat/MA; thesis supervisor Prof. Dr. G. Tottie)

1997: Czech language course at the Charles University in Prague

1994–1995: Courses at the Open University in Edinburgh


Professor of English Linguistics, University of Basel, as of 01.08.2008

Visiting Professor, English Department, Korea University, 1.-6.2022

Visiting Professor, English Department, Korea University, 1.-3.2020 (cut short due to COVID pandemic)

Visiting Professor, English Department, Korea University, 1.-5.2019

Visiting Professor, English Department, University of British Columbia, Canada 8.-12.2012

Senior Assistant ('Oberassistentin'/'Reader'), University of Berne, English Department, 2002–2008

Staff exchange with Cardiff University, May 2004

Assistant, University of Zurich, Prof. Dr. Gunnel Tottie, English Department, 2001–2002

Assistant, University of Berne, Prof. Dr. R. J. Watts, English Department, 2001–2002

Visiting Researcher, Georgetown University, Washington DC, 2000–2001

Assistant, University of Berne, Prof. Dr. R. J. Watts, English Department, 1999–2000; teaching Introduction to Linguistics I and II, editorial work for the journal Multilingua

Tutor, for the English linguistics course for secondary teachers taught by Prof. Dr. A. Fischer, WS 1999/2000

Assistant, University of Zurich, Prof. Dr. G. Tottie, English Department, 1999

English language teacher at the "Almega-Sprachstudio" in Brugg, 1995–1997

Teaching assistant for German in two schools in Edinburgh and Livingston, Scotland, 1994–1995


Courses in English linguistics at the University of Basel, HS07, from HS08 to today

Course in English linguistics at the University of Neuchâtel, SS08

Courses in English linguistics at the University of Berne, 1999-2000, 2001-2008

Courses in English linguistics at the University of Zurich, WS01/02, SS02, SS07

English teacher at the "Almega-Sprachstudio" in Brugg, 1995–1997

Tutorials for Modern Linguistics, University of Zurich, 1996–1997

Tutorials for Old and Middle English, University of Zurich, 1993–1994

since 2002, Administrator of the mailing list for SWELL (Swiss Works in English Language and Linguistics)

2022-2024, Vice Head of the Department of Languages and Literatures (2 years)

2020–2022, Head of English

2015-2019, 2021-2025, Member of the school subject committee for the faculty

2016–2019, Dean of studies, Phil.-Hist. Fakultät, University of Basel (3 years)

2018, Head of search committee for the position of Assistant Professor in Spanish linguistics, University of  Basel

2017, Head of search committee for the position of Assistant Professor in Slavistics, University of  Basel

2017, Head of search committee for the position of Assistant Professor in Contemporary Art, University of  Basel

2015–2016, Member of the search committee for the positions of Professor in Psychosomatics and Professor of Communication in Medicine, University of  Basel

2016, Member of the search committee for the Professor in Skandinavien Studies, University of  Basel/Zurich

2007–2016, Board member of SAUTE (secretary, webmaster, delegate to the SAGW)

2014–2016, Head of English

2010–2015, Member of the committee for the faculty prize for the best dissertation

2014, Member of the search committee for the Professor in German linguistics, University of  Basel

2011-2013, Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften, Departementsvorsteherin

2012, Member of the search committee for the Assistant Professor in English linguistics, University of Neuchâtel

2008–2011, Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften, Stv. Departementsvorsteherin

2010, Member of the search committee for the Chair in French linguistics, University of Basel

2010, Member of the search committee for the Chair in econometrics, University of Basel

2010, Member of the search committee for the Chair in English linguistics (OE, ME), University of Zurich

2009–2011, Member of the 'Regenz' of the University of Basel

2009–2010, Head of the English

2006–2008, "Prokura", i.e. the person responsible for the correct issuing of the students' diploma supplements, English Department, University of Berne

2006–2008, Representative of the docents (Privatdozenten) in the KID (Committee of the Head of Departments), University of Berne

2006–2008, Representative of the docents (Privatdozenten) in the faculty meetings, University of Berne

2005, Organizer of and person responsible for the English student transition from the Lizentiat to the Bachelor system, including the design of a new internal student database (filemaker) in the English Department, University of Berne

2005, Organizer of the SWELL (Swiss Works in English Language and Linguistics) annual meeting 2005 in Berne

2002–2005, Member of the ‘Bologna’-committee which developed the new study plan for the BA and MA programme of the English Department of the University of Berne

2004–2008, Founder and administrator of “BEling – a mailing list for all linguistics departments of the University of Berne”

2004–2005, University representative in the exams for English high school teachers (“Abteilung Höheres Lehramt”)

2002–2008, Founder of and coordinator for the “Literature and Linguistics Research Colloquium for PhD Students” (monthly meetings)

2002–2008, Co-organizer and departmental representative at the University-wide Information Day for High-School Graduates, University of Berne

2001, Co-author of a “Manual for Writers of Papers in Linguistics” for students of the English Department in Berne

1999–2007, Expert for English in the Matura (highschool A-level) exams in the Canton of Berne

2024-2029 Member of the IPrA Consultation board

2023-       Editor Pragmatics & Beyond New Series

2022-       Member of the SNF evaluation committee for post-doc mobility

2021-       Editorial board of Cambridge Elements Pragmatics

2021-       Special issues editor for the Journal of Pragmatics

2021-       Editorial board of  Advances in (Im)politeness Studies

2019-2024 Member of the editorial board of the Korean Journal of Medical Education (KJME)

2015-2020 Associate editor for the Journal of Pragmatics

2014-2015 Member on the advisory editorial board for the Journal of Pragmatics

2008-2022 Member on the editorial board for the Pragmatics & Beyond New Series

2008-2013 Member on the editorial board for Multilingua

2005-       Member on the board of consulting editors for Linguistik Online

2004-       Member on the advisory board of the Journal of Politeness Research

Referee work Text and Talk, The Journal of Applied Linguistics, The Journal of Pragmatics, The Journal of Sociolinguistics, Multilingua, any many others

2007, shortlisted for the Chair in English Linguistics at the University of Zurich

2007, shortlisted for the position of Senior Lecturer/Reader in Applied/Socio-linguistics at King's College London

2006, shortlisted for the position of Assistant Professor in English linguistics at the University of Neuchâtel

2006, listed for the 2005 BAAL Book Prize: Locher, Miriam A. 2004 Power and Politeness in Action: Disagreements in Oral Communication. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

2001, “Lazarus-Preis” of the University of Berne for the PhD Dissertation

2000, “Janggen-Pöhn” Scholarship to study at Georgetown University

2000, NFS Scholarship for Young Academics (“Stipendium für angehende Forscher und Forscherinnen”) to study at Georgetown University

2019-2021, eucor Project: Dis-Agree

2012–2016, SNF Project: Language and Health Online

2012 Travel grants for the PhD Summer School Research on Computer-mediated Communication in Linguistics, Ascona, 17–23 June, sponsored by Think Swiss.

2009–2013, SNF Project: Life (beyond) writing: Illness narratives

2010, sponsoring for the "Fifth International Symposium on Politeness" by the SNF, Max Geldner Foundation, FAG, John Benjamins, Mouton, SSG, Victorinox,

2006, Funding from the English Department of the University of Berne to organize a one-week workshop for PhD candidates in English languages and literatures in Saignelégier, Jura.

2005, Funding from the “Nachwuchsförderungs-Pool” of Berne University to organize a two-days workshop on time management for young linguists of Berne University of all departments (with Dr. Brigitte Huber)

2004, Funding from the “Nachwuchsförderungs-Pool” of Berne University to organize a one-week workshop for PhD candidates of the English Department in Cavigliano, TI

2000, “Janggen-Pöhn” Scholarship to study at Georgetown University

2000, NFS Scholarship for Young Academics (“Stipendium für angehende Forscher und Forscherinnen”) to study at Georgetown University