Landert et al

/ Research

New Cambridge Element: Corpus Pragmatics

The English linguistics team is happy to report an open access publication with Cambridge University Press, written by Daniela Landert, Daria Dayter, Thomas Messerli and Miriam Locher.
dayter et al

/ Research

New Cambridge Element: Pragmatics in Translation

The English linguistics team is happy to report an open access publication with Cambridge University Press, written by Daria Dayter, Miriam Locher and Thomas Messerli.

/ Doctorate/PhD

Hermann Paul Scholarship in Linguistics 2023

The Hermann Paul School of Linguistics is offering one scholarship for a PhD candidate in Basel, starting between 1st August and 1st September 2023. Application deadline is 31st March 2023. More information here or apply directly here.
Thurnherr thesis

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People

Dr. Franziska Thurnherr’s PhD thesis now available open access

Congratulations to Franziska Thurnherr, whose PhD thesis entitled Interpersonal pragmatics and the therapeutic alliance: the collaborative work in email counseling is now available open access in the NIHIN book series. Her work was…

/ Research, Organizational Unit

Annual Report 2022 out now

The Annual Report 2022 of the Department of English is published and available for download.

/ Research, Studies, Doctorate/PhD

Start-up Grants for PhD in Literary Studies

The Doctoral Programme in Literary Studies of the University of Basel calls for applications for two one-year start-up grants of CHF 30,000.
Aline Bieri

/ Research, People

Hermann-Paul-Preis 2022: Congratulations to Aline Bieri and Florian Dreyer

The Hermann-Paul-School of Linguistics (HPSL) gave the 2022 prize for the best PhD to Florian Dreyer (Freiburg) and to Aline Bieri (Basel). Aline Bieri wrote on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in a Swiss Context: The…
Places of English in Switzerland

/ Research, Events

Places of English in Switzerland: Basel

In connection with the 75th anniversary of the Swiss Association of University Teachers, which contains a section on Places of English in Switzerland, our department has contributed four exciting reports. Please check them out.