/ Research, Events
Swiss English or English as a Lingua Franca in Switzerland?
Publications on English in Switzerland (Bibliography compiled for the 75th-SAUTE anniversary)
In this contribution to the 75th anniversary of the Swiss Association of University Teachers, Miriam Locher and Julian Bollag are providing an update on research on English in Switzerland from a linguistic perspective in the form of a bibliography. “English in Switzerland” has received much attention over the last decades in a number of important areas, such as the development of a potential Swiss English variety, the language education question of when to start teaching English in the Swiss public school system, the use of English as a lingua franca in the workplace, in tourism and among the Swiss. You will also find options for downloading importing files for endnote/citavi/zotero, etc. Have fun exploring: https://english.philhist.unibas.ch/en/persons/miriam-locher/profile/research/
Also available at: https://www.saute.ch/en/saute/75/places-in-switzerland