/ Research, Organizational Unit

Job opening: Student assistant position in English Linguistics – 12h per week (28.6%)

Starting date: 1st August 2025

As of 1 August 2025 until 31 July 2027, the Department of English at the University of Basel is looking for a student assistant in English Linguistics (with Professor Professor Miriam Locher).

Your position
The successful applicant will support Prof. Locher in her research and teaching (literature search, endnote library maintenance, compilation of course readers, copying/scanning, proofreading, editing, conference organisation, etc.) and will work in a team of other student assistants on departmental tasks (library, events, teaching support).

Your profile
We are looking for a well-organised and advanced student (advanced BA English, or MA English / SuK student) with strong language and research skills and a keen interest in English linguistics. Applicants should be able to work independently.

We offer you
You will work in a vibrant and research-active department and will gain experience in administrative and academic tasks in English linguistics at the University of Basel.

Application / contact
In one pdf file, applicants should send in

  • a motivational letter
  • a CV
  • a piece of writing of no more than 30 pages that best represents the applicant’s writing, e.g. a proseminar or seminar paper
  • copies of university diplomas if available

by 1st May 2025.

Interviews will be scheduled for the beginning of June 2025.

Please submit your application electronically to Kathrin Eckerth in one pdf file:
Email address: sek-mlps-englsem@clutterunibas.ch
Subject: “HiWi in English Linguistics, Locher”