/ Studies
English courses at eucor universities

Eucor – The European Campus is a cross-border network of five French, German and Swiss universities in the Upper Rhine region that work together for intellectual exchange.
If you have the Eucor logo on your student card, you can attend courses at the universities of Basel, Freiburg, Strasbourg, Mulhouse/Colmar and Karlsruhe. Anyone who regularly attends courses at a Eucor University during the semester will receive a travel allowance. Please find additional information on the unibas website (Eucor – The European Campus | Universität Basel (unibas.ch))
These are the links to the English courses you can take, sorted by university:
University | Link to courses | |
Albert-Ludwigs- Universität Freiburg | Lehrveranstaltungen des Englischen Seminars — Englisches Seminar (uni-freiburg.de) select Wintersemester 2021/22 (uni-freiburg.de)
| |
Université de Haute-Alsace Mulhouse | Département d’anglais – Faculté des Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines de Mulhouse (uha.fr) select Livret 2021-2022 | |
Université de Strasbourg | For B.A. | |
For M.A. | ||
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie |
In order to make sure that the courses will meet the requirements for your Basel study plan, please consult our student advisor (studienberatung-dslw@clutterunibas.ch) prior to registering for and taking the course.