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Call for papers: Influence, Manipulation, and Seduction

Conference "Influence, Manipulation, and Seduction: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Persuasive Language" organised by Daria Dayter and Sofia Rüdiger
The conference "Influence, Manipulation, and Seduction: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Persuasive Language" will take place at the English Seminar on June 26-28, 2020. The conference is organised by Daria Dayter (University of Basel) and Sofia Rüdiger (University of Bayreuth) and is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
How can we get someone to behave in a way that they initially did not intend? And how can we change what our interlocutor thinks about a certain issue? We use language to ‘convince’, ‘persuade’, ‘cajole’, or ‘coax’ our counterpart into a certain behavior or state of mind. These are activities we engage in constantly, usually even without conscious thought. It is words that have the power to mold and influence opinions, attitudes, and behavior. This persuasive power of language is at the center of this symposium.
We invite the submission of abstracts for full papers (20 min presentation + 10 min Q&A) on all aspects on linguistic persuasion. We also invite abstracts for the lightning talks (5 min presentation). Abstracts of 300 words, excluding references, should be submitted in pdf-format by email to persuasion-conference@unibas.ch. Please indicate whether you prefer your talk to be considered for a full paper or a lightning talk. The deadline for abstract submission is December 23, 2019.
Full call for papers can be found here.