24 Apr 2023
16:15  - 18:00

Englisches Seminar, Grosser Hörsaal

Guest lecture / Talk

Stopping smoking online: an interpersonal pragmatics approach to persuasion

Dr. Marie-Thérèse Rudolf von Rohr (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz)

Smoking is still one of the biggest health risks in the UK with 78,000 smoking-related deaths each year. Patients wanting to know more about the downsides of smoking find a plethora of resources online—all geared towards persuading individual smokers to quit or to support them in the process of quitting. In this guest lecture, I focus on how persuasion is realized on a selection of smoking cessation sources. Therefore, I look at content, discursive moves but also relational work strategies employed, discussing differences between mono-directional institutional websites and grassroots peer-to-peer forums. Thus, of particular interest will be the creation of expertise and personal involvement, showing thereby how interpersonal effects are created discursively to realize a larger project of self-improvement. Finally, I will comment on how my experience as a PhD researcher shaped my professional career afterwards.

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