07 Dec 2018

Université de Strasbourg, Salle Redslob, Faculté de Droit


EARS Meeting

The next EARS Meeting (the annual get-together with colleagues from the EUCOR partner departments in Freiburg, Mulhouse, and Strasbourg) will be held in Strasbourg.

  • Hélène Ibata (University of Strasbourg), “Immersive spectatorship and the aesthetics of the sublime in Romantic panoramas”
  • Michael Darroch (University of Windsor), “Bordering Media Studies”
  • Andrew Eastman (University of Strasbourg), “Soundworlds and voicewords: on Elizabeth Bishop”

The program is also available on the Department website: https://langues.unistra.fr/presentation/departements-et-instituts/departement-detudes-anglophones/actualites-rentree-2018-19/.

Please contact Ridvan Askin by 22nd November if you would like to join the event.

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