30 Nov 2022
10:15  - 12:00

online Zoom

Guest lecture / Talk

Context matters: how much and in what ways?

Prof. Carmen Muñoz (Universitat de Barcelona)

This talk will be concerned with the crucial role of the learning context in L2 acquisition. The discussion will bear on the type of knowledge that is favoured in each context and the ways in which the multiple interactions of context with other variables seem to affect L2 learning outcomes. First, I will discuss the distinction between instructed and naturalistic contexts, and I will mainly focus on the empirical evidence provided by research concerning the effect of age in each context. Then I will discuss the distinction  between school and out-of-school contexts, examining the relationship with learner factors such as age and gender. Finally, I will present emerging research suggesting an influence of the wider environment (geographical setting, language distance) on affective factors and language outcomes.

If you would like to listen to this guest lecture, please contact Dr. Zeynep Köylü to obtain the necessary Zoom link.

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