12 Dec 2023
13:00  - 14:00

Englisches Seminar, room 11


The Resistance of Cultural Stereotyping in Retellings of Interaction

Irene Inoue (Universität Basel)

Through interviews and written recollections by Japanese students currently studying in Switzerland, and long-time Japanese residents in Switzerland who previously attended Swiss tertiary education, my PhD project aims to explore how microaggressions take shape, and are resisted in interaction. By comparing the two groups (current vs. former students) of Japanese residents in German-speaking Switzerland, the project aims to understand the effects of language proficiency in receiving and resisting microaggressions, investigate how students’ awareness and reflection of discriminatory experiences grows, and explore the common resistance strategies used by long-time residents in Switzerland. In my presentation, I will start by describing my research design, and the theoretical frameworks of the project. Most importantly, I will provide a thorough overview of microaggressions, starting from its initial coinage in 1970, to the wide array of literature on microaggressions today, also drawing on examples from pilot studies and preliminary interviews with participants.

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