Get involved!!
Student association
Student association

Each year students of English choose the board of representatives of the Student association (Fachgruppe English). Our official duties consist of university politics, but we also organize get-togethers, parties and other activities around the English Seminar.
When there are decisions to be made at the English Seminar, students have a right to participate. The FG Board is kept up to date on all goings-on at the seminar, mainly through the Departmental Assembly (meeting of all Modern Philologies) and the regular staff meetings at the English Seminar.
We also hold general student assemblies once a semester where all students meet and have a chance to voice their concerns. During these meetings we also re-elect new FG Board members. Since all students of English are automatically part of the Association this is really the place and time for you to come and hear news about the things going on at the seminar and to discuss any issues you might have.
As of September 2021 our Board is made up of the following people:
- Presidents (shared): Saskia Heyn and Alessia Duarte
- Treasurer: Andrea Meier
Leisure activities
Alongside university politics we also regularly offer parties and events for the students. By now, our twice-yearly Pub Crawls, annual Halloween party and End-of-Term BBQ have become a firm (and popular!) part of what we offer, but we also like to spice things up with additional events! Our reading group and film club meet once a week, and we'll also organise movie screenings, creative writing groups, pumpkin carving sessions, etc. etc. We're always happy to accept any ideas or recommendations for events we could organise, so feel free to get in touch with us via email or our instagram.
To keep up to date with us, please do like our instagram presence.
If you have any questions about what we do or about studying English in general, please feel free to write us an e-mail to fg-englsem@clutterunibas.ch. If you are interested in participating, we are always happy about new members and will welcome you warmly into our midst. No prior experience is needed!